The Budget Buy

Bath & Body Works Pillow Mist


I get the weird looks from the boy when I spray this on my pillow but a girl needs her beauty sleep am I right? Well I must say gimmick aside this stuff really helps! I am the type to lay in bed and my wheels start turning. I plan future posts, plan the day with my bugs (my children and yes I refer to them as bugs!), and what I haven’t or need to clean. Its terrible and by the time I realize its 2am! In comes the pillow spray to help calm my racing thoughts hit the brakes and off to la la land. Its like magic in a bottle and I don’t know if it’s all in my head but it smells pretty darn good. I have the lavender chamomile scent which smells fresh and herbally but not overpowering. I originally wanted to try the This Works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray but that was way overpriced where as this bottle has more than double the amount of the This Works spray and only costs $10! So I’m off to spritz my pillow now and maybe I’ll hit up the bugs rooms too!

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